The First Hand Testimony from Xinjiang "Re-Education Camps"
The Reporter obtained more than one thousand testimonies and drawings from victims who were once jailed in the "re-education camps" from a Kazakh human rights group, Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights. The victims drew how they lived and what happened in the camps. The six of the drawings were from the victim, Aidana Nurlan, who was imprisoned for six months.
We can see the situation from the drawings that the 1.5 million Uyghurs in Xinjiang currently face. More than 20 people are jailed in 15 square meter cell sharing two excrement buckets. They were asked to sit quietly for 14 hours without allowing to talk or sleep. It is a long way from the so-called "learning" by the Chinese government.
Even though the Chinese government denied the inhuman treatments in the camps, the victims' testimonies are denouncing the Chinese government's lies.

"There are usually 20-25 people imprisoned in a 15 square meter cell with one malodorous bathroom. It is common for the last person who used the bathroom to be stained because the excrement bucket was full."

"When a prisoner was called by name, he or she has to step in the small red square and shout "here."(到) with the guard's permission, he or she can come forward to the yellow line and be chained and taken away. If stepping over the red line, the prisoner would be beaten. "

"Those who violated regulations or were involved in fights were put into iron cages in front of cells. They were punished by hands cuffed behind their backs and their heads were covered with black cloth. One was even punished to stand for 24 hours."

"We sat quietly on plastic stools for 14 hours every day with hands on our knees. We were not allowed to sleep or talk. One girl had hemorrhoid because she excessively sat for long periods of time."

"They stripped me naked during body examination and even asked the seven or eight of us to jump. I felt insulted at the time."

"We were given injection after staying in the camps for three months. They told us it's to prevent us from catching the flu, but we didn't know whether it was true or not. And we had to pay 250 Chinese Yuan (USD$36.5) for the injection."

"Shower time was limited to 15 minutes. There were surveillance cameras in both male and female bathrooms. They could watch everything from the police monitoring center."

"When we called our family members from the camp, the guards kept every word we said on record. If what I said was different from what he put down, I would get punished. Therefore, all we can say was 'all is good.'"

"When international organizations came to investigate, we were temporarily released. After the investigation was done, they built one underground jail and put more than ten thousand of us back in the jail. Some of the underground jail has been starting to build."
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